The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Fund Society (JCSHWFS) Grant Program online application portal is open until March 31, 2025, 5pm PST. All applications received by this date will be processed. Unfortunately, we are unable to extend this deadline. Grant information, eligibility criteria and the online application form are available here:
Since our launch in February 2024, we have successfully contacted 4531 Survivors and processed 7634 Grants based on the work of Outreach Workers’ team. As the project is approaching its natural conclusion, some members of our team have left or are leaving within March, and the JCSHWFS Board greatly appreciates their support and dedication to assist the Survivors. We thank Donald Watanabe, Holly Sakaki, Katherine Arima, Elissa Kunihiro, Erica Shin, Mark Uyeda, Roger Teshima, Elizabeth Miyanaga and Yumi Deyell. Please note that there are regional Outreach Workers still available to provide assistance:
Several grant recipients have written to indicate how much they appreciated the funds and that it was a help to them in meeting some of their health and wellness needs. We thank Survivors for their enquiries regarding The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Grant Program. We provide answers below to the more common questions we have received.
Are the Grant 1 and Grant 2 monies considered taxable income in Canada?
No, our Auditors assure us that the Grant monies are not taxable and do not need to be reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Can JC Wellness prepare my 2024 income tax return?
We are unable to assist in any tax preparations.
Can I donate some of my Grant 1 and Grant 2 monies back to The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Grant Program to give to another Survivor?
We are unable to accept money as a donation to provide to other Survivors. The purpose of this grant is to support Survivor’s health and wellness issues. We kindly suggest that you donate to an organization of your choice.
Why did The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Grant Program set the age eligibility as "born before April 1, 1949"?
April 1, 1949, is not an arbitrary date. It is defined as the day Japanese Canadians were given full voting rights and all legal restrictions used to control the movement of Japanese Canadians were removed by the Canadian government. The initial 1988 Federal Redress program also used this date and set a precedent for our program. For this reason, April 1,1949 is used by the Japanese Canadian Legacy Society (JCLS) for all their programs. The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Grant Program, as one of the six pillars of JCLS, also applied the same date for eligibility for health and wellness grants. Therefore, eligible applicants must be born before April 1, 1949.
What happens if I can't provide any documents to prove my roots in BC?
As we continue to validate eligibility based on age and confirm roots in BC, this is a reminder that the onus to provide proof is the responsibility of the Survivor and/or their representative. Confirmation is done internally, and this documentation can not be shared. The validation process is a requirement to ensure that fraud is not committed in the issuance of these grants. Failure to meet the eligibility requirements will result in a denied application. A denial letter will be sent to the Survivor/Representative.
My application was denied. Am I able to appeal the decision?
An adjudication process is available if a Survivor requests to have the decision reviewed by an independent Adjudication Committee. Please email any appeals to
My cheque needs to be reissued. When will I receive my replacement cheque?
Some Survivors are awaiting a reissued cheque (for lost or undelivered/change/incorrect addresses). We appreciate your patience, and these will be issued by March 31, 2025.
With warm regards,
For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email
General Phone: 250-797-6300
Toll-Free phone: 1-833-368-6462
List of Outreach Workers: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
アウトリーチワーカーのリストはウェブサイトからご確認いただけます。JC Wellness Outreach Workers
The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Grant Program is open until March 31, 2025. Please help us spread the word to eligible friends and families including those living in Canada and abroad.
- Grant information, eligibility criteria and the online application form are available here:
- Outreach Workers are available to support Survivors with the application process:
- Frequently asked questions:
A Survivor is defined as a living person of Japanese descent born prior to April 1, 1949 who was directly impacted by BC Government actions in the 1940s. Survivors include persons who were not displaced but were living in BC, and persons who, after their families left BC, were born prior to April 1, 1949, which was the day Japanese Canadians were given full voting rights and the legal restrictions used to control the movement of Japanese Canadians were removed.
Survivors do not have to have been in an internment camp to qualify. They may have been sent to self-supporting camps, road camps, or POW camps, already lived somewhere else in BC outside the 100-mile radius, were sent to sugar beets farms out of province, were born outside of BC after their family left BC, or repatriated to Japan, etc.
Survivors that currently reside outside of Canada are eligible to apply if they can prove that they have roots in British Columbia prior to April 1, 1949. Japanese translation assistance is available. Validation of identification will be a virtual interview (Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
Your assistance to locate eligible Survivors is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support.
With warm regards,
For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email
General Phone: 250-797-6300
Toll-Free phone: 1-833-368-6462
List of Outreach Workers: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
- 助成金のご案内、必要条件及びオンラインのお申し込みフォームはこちらになります。
- お申込みのサポートが必要な方は、アウトリーチワーカーにご相談ください。
- よくある質問はこちらです。
JCSHWF 一般用電話番号: 250-797-6300
JCSHWF 無料電話番号: 1-833-368-6462
JCSHWF メールアドレス:
アウトリーチワーカー: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
Happy New Year to you and your family! 明けましておめでとうございます!
Despite all the challenges of 2024, the JCSHWFS Board is pleased to announce that 7,000 grants have been awarded to over 4,000 Survivors. Over $20 million has been distributed to date to address Japanese Canadian Survivor Health and Wellness needs.
With the Canada Post strike impacting mail across the country in December, almost two thousand cheques were held at our office in Vancouver, forcing us to find alternate distribution mechanisms to send out the cheques to those in need. Outreach Workers contacted the eldest Survivors and those of high priority to see who required their grants urgently to be sent by courier. Three separate courier batches were sent out. A volunteer was also sent to the USA Postal Service to mail those within the USA and other countries.
Once the strike ended, it took several days for Canada Post to accept new mail. On December 23, 2024, the JCSHWFS mailed out approximately 1,100 cheques. We still have over eight hundred that will be mailed out in January. We thank you for your ongoing patience.
For 2025 we continue to focus on the living Survivors’ applications. Priorities also include Survivors living overseas.
The application deadline for health and wellness grants approaches on March 31, 2025. Please ensure that you share the word to eligible friends and families. Thank you for your ongoing support.
With warm regards,
For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email
JCSHWF General Phone: 250-797-6300
JCSHWF Toll-Free phone: 1-833-368-6462
The List of Outreach Workers is available on our website: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
12月のカナダポストストライキ中、2000件以上の小切手がオフィスで足止め状態となり、助成金を最も必要としている方々を対象に、民間の宅配業者を使い配送いたしました。最高齢者から順にアウトリーチワーカーが連絡を取り、緊急に助成金が必要な方へ宅配便での配送を始め, 三度に渡り配送されました。国外在住の方々へは、ボランティアがアメリカ合衆国まで足を運び、アメリカの郵便局から郵送する手段をとりました。
JCSHWFS 福祉助成金のお申込みの締め切りは2025年3月31日です。ご家族、ご親戚やお知り合いで生存者の方がいらっしゃいましたら是非ともお声がけください。
JCSHWF 一般用電話番号: 250-797-6300
JCSHWF 無料電話番号: 1-833-368-6462
JCSHWF メールアドレス:
アウトリーチワーカー: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
The 2024 Canada Post strike has been ongoing since November 15, 2024, with no apparent settlement on the horizon, although we remain hopeful.
The JCSHWFS Board of Directors takes the health of our survivors very seriously and shares the growing concerns of our elders and families over how the strike is affecting the mail delivery of health and wellness grants to Japanese Canadian Survivors.
We have investigated private courier options as an alternate secure delivery mechanism. Outreach Workers have contacted those over 90 years of age, and 37% requested that their cheque be sent by courier, which was done.
Unfortunately, pickup of cheques is not possible and the courier service is only available to those survivors within Canada. We are also unable to send cheques by courier to P.O. boxes. For those survivors living in the USA, a volunteer will be travelling to a border town to mail cheques to those living in the USA and some foreign countries via the USA Postal Service.
The Board of Directors are committed to sending the cheques as quickly as possible to those survivors urgently needing their cheque.
Outreach Workers are currently phoning/emailing survivors over the age of 85 years old to enquire about using the courier to deliver cheques.
We know how important these grants are for the Survivors’ health and wellness. As the strike continues, we continue to work diligently to process applications. In the last month, we have processed over 850 applications and there are over 1,700 cheques ready to be mailed out.
If a Survivor is in urgent need of the grant money, please contact your Outreach Worker or our office so that we may work out a solution. We share the frustration of the JC community, and we are doing our best to accommodate requests during this difficult time.
We thank you for your ongoing patience.
With warm regards,
For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email
JCSHWF General Phone: 250-797-6300
JCSHWF Toll-Free phone: 1-833-368-6462
The List of Outreach Workers is available on our website: JC Wellness Outreach Workers
残念ながら、小切手を取りに来ていただく事はできません。 宅配サービスはカナダ国内の生存者の方々のみご利用可能となります。 またP.O.ボックスへの小切手の宅配はできませんのでご了承下さい。アメリカ合衆国、及び外国にお住まいの生存者の方々には、ボランティアが国境の町に出向き、アメリカ合衆国の郵便局を通じて、小切手を郵送させていただきます。
生存者の方々のご健康と福祉にとって、これらの助成金が大変重要であるという事を、深く理解しております。 ストライキが続く中、私達は引き続き申請書の決裁に全力で取り組んでおります。 先月は850件以上の申請書決裁を完了し、1,700件以上の小切手の発送準備が整いました。
助成金が緊急に必要な生存者の方は、担当のアウトリーチ・ワーカー、または事務所までご連絡下さい。 JCコミュニティの皆様のご指摘を真摯に受け止め、困難な状況ではありますが、皆様のご要望に誠意をもって迅速に対応し最善を尽くして参りますので、何卒ご理解を賜ります様お願い申し上げます。
Canada Post Strike Disruption of JCSHWFS Distribution Service
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) began a national strike on Friday November 15 at 12:01 a.m. ET. Canada Post’s operations are shut down during a national strike, affecting millions of Canadians and businesses across the country. Customers are experiencing delays due to the strike activity. Mail and parcels will not be processed or delivered for the duration of the national strike and some post offices will be closed. Once operations resume, processing and delivery may take some time to fully return to normal.
The Board of Directors of the JCSHWFS cares about the health of our survivors and are concerned that this strike may affect mail delivery of health and wellness grants to Japanese Canadian Survivors across Canada and around the world. We know how important these grants are for the Survivors’ health and wellness. Please be assured that we continue to work diligently to process applications. We are investigating an alternate secure delivery mechanism. We thank you for your ongoing patience.
With warm regards,
The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness team is hard at work processing applications. While there are grant cheques being mailed on a regular basis, we know many Survivors are waiting and frustrated at the length of time to receive a cheque. Due to the volume of applications received to date the wait time has increased. We thank you for your ongoing patience. There is a detailed process to confirm eligibility and due diligence to ensure that the money is being awarded to appropriately qualified Survivors.
Since February 1, 2024, we have received approximately 5000 applications from Japanese Canadian Survivors living around the world. To date, we have awarded over 3500 grants to over 2000 Survivors.
We follow a strategy to process applications by prioritizing age and health and the wellness needs of living Survivors. High priority status is due to physical and / or mental health, or financial need. We started with those aged 100+ years and dropped each group by 5 years (100+ then 95+, 90+ and 85+). We are now serving those born pre-1942 (82+ years) and continue to include priority applications.
Please note:
- You can make an online application until March 31, 2025
- Confirmation of your application is sent by email. A reference number (SR-XXXXX) is issued. Please keep this number.
- If you have a SR number, please do not re-apply. Duplicate applications require more time to process
Eligible applicants for both Grants 1 and 2 must meet ALL of the following requirements:
- be of Japanese descent
- be born before April 1, 1949
- have lived in BC before April 1, 1949 OR had parents or grandparents who lived in BC before April 1, 1949
- have been directly impacted by the actions of the BC government before April 1, 1949
In addition, for Grant 2:
- On or after February 1st, 2024, the Survivor must be alive at the time of submitting the application (online or through an Outreach Worker)
To validate your application please locate the following documents:
- Personal identification (e.g. birth certificate, passport, a picture ID)
- Birthdate before April 1, 1949
- Proof of current mailing address (e.g. Driver’s License, recent credit card statement, utility bill)
DO NOT send the Society any personal documents by email or mail. This is for your protection.
Once the file is assigned to an Outreach Worker, they will contact you by phone or email and arrange to either meet with you in person or virtually (by Zoom).
- The first step is confirmation of date of birth prior to April 1, 1949.
- The next step is validation of Roots in British Columbia (B.C.), which confirms the Survivor’s ties to BC prior to April 1, 1949.
Research is conducted by staff. However, the onus is on the Survivor/Representative to provide sufficient information to confirm that the Survivor has Roots in BC.
Many have already met with an Outreach Worker for step 1. There is a delay to process step 2, research confirmation of Roots in BC from official documents or recognized databases/sources. Please understand that it is more difficult to find the Roots in B.C. for those born post uprooting (after 1942) and born outside of B.C. Linkage is required of the Survivor to the parent or grandparent with the permanent residence in B.C prior to April 1, 1949.
As all ship arrivals from Japan to Canada at that time went through the Port of Vancouver, this is not sufficient to qualify as having Roots in B.C. especially if the family’s destination was outside of B.C.
Survivors may not be aware of the onerous validation process. This is a requirement to ensure that fraud is not committed in the issuance of these grants. It is a criminal offence to make a false application.
Failure to meet the eligibility requirements will result in a denied application. A denial letter will be sent to the Survivor/Representative. An adjudication process is available if a Survivor requests to have the decision reviewed by the objective Adjudication Committee.
As living Survivor applications are a priority, please note that the following circumstances will encounter a delay to be processed:
- The applicant died after applying
- The applicant is deceased, and the estate is applying for Grant 1 only
- Lost or stolen cheques, incorrect address and deposit errors to an incorrect bank account
- The applicant is living outside of North America
For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email:
JCSHWF General phone 250.797.6300
JCSHWF North American toll-free phone 1.833.368.6462
The list of Outreach Workers is available on our website:
We thank all Survivors for their patience and understanding as we proceed through the validation process for 5000 applications.
The Japanese Canadian Survivor Health & Wellness Fund is open for applications until March 31, 2025.
日系カナダ人生存者健康福祉基金チームは、懸命に申請手続きを行っています。 助成金の小切手は定期的に郵送されていますが、現在、お申込みが多数寄せられているため、大変長らくお待たせしております。 ご理解とご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。適切な資格のある生存者の方々に支給されるよう、受給資格の確認と適正評価手続きのための細かなプロセスがあります。
2024年2月1日以降、世界各地に住む日系カナダ人生存者の方々から約5000件のお申込みが寄せられました。 現在までに、2,000人以上の生存者の方々に3,500件以上の助成金を授与しています。
私たちは、生存者の方々の年齢、健康状態、ウェルネス・ニーズを優先して申請を処理しています。 優先順位が高いのは、身体的・精神的な健康状態、または経済的な必要性によるものです。 私たちは100歳以上の生存者の方々のお申込みから処理を始め、各グループ(100歳以上、95歳以上、90歳以上、85歳以上)を5歳ずつ下げてきました。現在は1942年以前に生まれた方(82歳以上)を対象としており、引き続き優先順位を考慮しつつ手続きを行っています。
- お申込みは2025年3月31日までオンラインで可能です。
- お申込みの確認はメールにて送信されます。確認番号(SR-xxxxx)が発行されます。この番号は大切に保管してください。
- 確認番号をお持ちの方は再申請はご遠慮ください。重複申請の場合、お申込みを処理するのにさらに時間がかかります。
- 助成金1及び2ともに、下記の条件にすべて当てはまる方が対象となります。
- 日系人であること
- 生年月日が1949年4月1日以前であること
- 1949年4月1日以前にBC州に居住していた、または1949年4月1日以前に親または祖父母がBC州に居住していたこと。
- 1949年4月1日以前にBC州政府の措置による直接的な影響を受けたこと
- 2024年以降、生存者が助成金の申し込み完了時に生存していること(お申込みはオンラインまたはアウトリーチワーカーを通して提出していただけます。)
- 身分証明書(出生証明書、パスポート、写真付き身分証明書など)
- 生年月日が1949年4月1日以前であることを証明する書類
- 現住所を証明する書類(運転免許証、最新のクレジットカード明細書、公共料金の請求書など)
- 最初のステップは生年月日が1949年4月1日以前であることの確認です。
- 次のステップは、ブリティッシュコロンビア州(BC州)におけるルーツの確認です。これにより、生存者が1949年4月1日以前にBC州とのつながりがあることを確認します。
ステップ1については、すでに多くの生存者の方が終えています。 ステップ2である、BC州にルーツがあることを公文書や認知されたデータベース・情報源から確認する手続きには時間がかかります。特に強制移動後(1942年以降)に生まれた方やBC州以外で生まれた方のBC州へのつながりを見つけることがより困難であることをご理解ください。1949年4月1日以前にBC州に永住していた親または祖父母と生存者とのつながりが必要です。
- 申請者が申請後に亡くなった場合
- 申請者はすでに亡くなっており、相続人助成金1のみ申請している場合
- 小切手の紛失や盗難、不正な住所や不正な銀行口座への入金がされた場合
- 申請者が北米以外に居住している場合
Dear Japanese Canadian community,
We are pleased to report that since opening on February 1, 2024, over 4,680 Survivor applications have been registered through the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund. Cheques are being issued across the country. In recognition of questions and concerns raised by community members, we are providing some information below.
Many survivors have applied weeks ago and are still waiting for cheques. When can they expect payment?
Your application will flow through our system to be processed for payment. Due the high volume of applications we are not able to provide a time frame for you to receive your payment. We thank all applicants for their continued patience as our team works hard to serve our seniors with their applications.
How are applications processed?
All applications must go through a mandatory validation process before they can be approved and cheques issued. Once an application is submitted online, you will be assigned a SR-xxxxxx reference number, please keep this number handy.
The first step is confirmation of date of birth prior to April 1, 1949. The next step is validation of Roots in British Columbia, which confirms the Survivor’s ties to BC prior to April 1, 1949.
How is validation of roots in British Columbia done?
Using the information on your application, the Outreach Team will consult various approved database sources such as Uprooted Japanese Canadians or Landscapes of Injustice to validate your roots in British Columbia prior to April 1, 1949. For those Survivors whose parents were uprooted before their birth (generally between 1942 – 1949), the research may take more time as your name may not be on any of the official database sources.
Is there a way to speed up my application?
The best and quickest method to validate roots in BC is your original British Columbia Longform Birth Certificate (original document with official seal only). This document includes the names of your parents.
If you have your original BC Longform Birth Certificate, please contact your Outreach Worker directly to confirm that it has been included as part of your application as this will speed up the processing of your application.
For these and other enquiries, you may also contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email:
JCSHWF General phone 250.797.6300
JCSHWF North American toll-free phone 1.833.368.6462
The list of Outreach Workers is available on our website:
We thank all Survivors for their patience and understanding as we proceed through the validation process for all 4600+ applications.
The Japanese Canadian Survivor Health & Wellness Fund is open for applications until March 31, 2025.
The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Fund Society and the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society thank our elders for their patience in the opening of the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Fund and the processing of applications. It is deeply appreciated.
The JCSHWFS has begun mailing health support grant cheques to individual Survivors across Canada to assist with their health care needs.
Since opening for applications on February 1, 2024, The JCSHWFS has received over 4,300 applications. Your application will flow through our system to be processed for payment. Due the high volume of applications we are not able to provide a time frame for you to receive your payment. Two weeks after the mailing of the cheque, an Outreach Worker will contact the Survivor to ensure that the cheque was received and cashed.
For those Survivors who have not yet applied for a health support grant, Outreach Workers are hosting events across Canada to provide information and onsite application assistance, including validating eligibility by confirming that the Survivor has roots in British Columbia prior to April 1, 1949.
In-person Outreach Worker events are being offered in the following zones: British Columbia; Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northern Ontario; Ontario + Quebec + Eastern Canada. Please visit for an up-to-date list of sessions in your area.
Online Zoom sessions are also available for Survivors and their families who wish to have documents validated virtually. Please visit to find the contact information for Outreach Workers and upcoming events in your area
Survivors and their families are encourage to visit for complete information on the the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund, including eligibility, how to apply, and a list of frequently asked questions.
Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund (JCSHWF) is run by the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund Society (JCSHWF). For any questions about the JCSHWF, please send a brief message to A staff member will respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
General phone 250.797.6300
North American toll-free phone 1.833.368.6462
Please leave a voicemail with your name and phone number as we are receiving a high volume of calls. Our Outreach Workers are working to answer calls as soon as possible.
To find the contact information for an Outreach Worker in your region, please visit the Outreach Workers page and click on your region.
Dear Japanese Canadian Community,
Today marks two months since the Fund was open for applications and we are pleased to report that over 4300 Survivor applications have been received to date.
The fund is open until March 31, 2025. Online applications are on our website
We want to inform you on the process and wait time for a cheque.
1. How to Apply:
- Online, see
- At a Regional Event, see
- With the assistance of an Outreach Worker, see
Once you apply, you will receive a reference number (Survivor Request number, SR#-XXXXXX) by email. Please keep this number.
The next step is to have your eligibility validated by an Outreach Worker.
2. Options for Validation by an Outreach Worker:
- Regional Event, see
- Virtual Interview - (via Zoom or Microsoft Teams)
- Declaration Form signed by a guarantor (non-family member) – coming soon
- Site/Home Visit - (available for special circumstances)
You can wait for an Outreach Worker in your area to contact you. However, due to the volume of applications, it may take several weeks from when you submitted your application. It is faster to find a regional event near you on our website - If you have mobility issues, please contact the OW in your region to make an appointment.
3. Documents to Have Ready for validation:
To validate your application, please bring at least two pieces of ID that can confirm identity, date of birth, and current mailing address of the applicant. At least one should be photo ID.
Documents to confirm identity, at least one photo ID:
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Provincial identification card or health card
- Drivers licence
- Utility bill or statement with mailing address
For Grant 2, in order to verify proof of life the Survivor should be present, or if they are living in a seniors residence/long term care facility, please have a signed letter from the health care facility on their letterhead stating that the Survivor is a current resident.
If you are the Power-of-Attorney (POA) for an applicant please bring the POA documentation, and ID that confirms the POA’s identity and address in addition to the Survivor’s ID.
Once your documents are validated by an Outreach Worker, no further action is required by the Survivor. Your application will flow through our system to be processed for payment. Due the high volume of applications we are not able to provide a time frame for you to receive your payment. We appreciate your patience
4. Validation of Roots in British Columbia
Staff will confirm that the Survivor has roots in British Columbia prior to April 1, 1949.
5. Cheque Issued
Your application will flow through our system to be processed for payment. Due the high volume of applications we are not able to provide a time frame for you to receive your payment. We thank all applicants for their continued patience as our team works hard to serve our seniors with their applications.
6. Cheque Receipt and Deposit Follow-up by Outreach Worker
Two weeks following the mailing of the cheque, an Outreach Worker will contact the Survivor to ensure that the cheque was received and cashed.
We thank you for your patience. If you require any assistance, please contact our office at or call our North America toll free number 1-833-368-6462.
February 1, 2024 – Launch Announcement
Dear Japanese Canadian Community,
On February 1, 2024, the online application portal for the Japanese Canadian (JC) Survivors Health and Wellness Fund (JCSHWF) will open. The Team has diligently worked to create an application process that is simple, efficient, and ensures that your information is secure and protected.
The launch of the program is scheduled for February 1st, 2024, at 1000 AM PST. The event will be livestreamed to allow the JC Community to attend remotely. The program will provide details on the grants available and the application process. Instructions to watch the livestream will follow.
Outreach Workers are available across Canada to support JC Survivors with their applications and will be hosting regional events to provide more information and assist with applications in-person.
The online application will be accessible on our website, on February 1st until March 31, 2025. Applications can be filled out by a Survivor, a trusted representative or through an Outreach Worker.
Two grants are available for Japanese Canadian Survivors:
- Grant 1 ($650): For Survivors who did not receive the 2021 Grant that was offered between September 1 to October 31, 2021.
- Grant 2 ($4500): A new grant to support living Survivors with their individual Health & Wellness needs.
Eligible Survivors must:
- be of Japanese descent
- be born before April 1, 1949
- have lived in British Columbia before April 1, 1949, OR had parents or grandparents who lived in British Columbia before April 1, 1949
- have been directly impacted by the actions of the BC government before April 1, 1949
All grant applications will go through a validation process. Outreach Workers will be contacting each applicant to securely validate their eligibility and identity. Your application will flow through our system to be processed for payment. Due the high volume of applications we are not able to provide a time frame for you to receive your payment. We appreciate your patience
Please check our website for further information regarding the grants, eligibility criteria, documents to prepare and frequently asked questions. The website will be updated prior to the launch on February 1st with more information.
We, the Board of Directors and staff, appreciate your patience, and eagerly anticipate the February 1st launch with you.
Joanne Miyazaki (Executive Director) and the JCSHWFS Team
Direct phone: 437-855-9750
Dear Japanese Canadian Community,
Happy New Year to you and your family! Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu!
As we embark on the new year, it is an opportune time to reflect on the current status of The Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Fund Society and share insights into our operating plan moving forward. We must extend our sincere apologies for the delayed opening of the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health and Wellness Fund, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this period.
We understand that many members of the Japanese Canadian (JC) Community have been inquiring about the fund’s status or concerned that they may have missed the opportunity to apply. We want to assure everyone that the grant application has not yet opened, but our commitment to launching in early 2024 remains steadfast.
Unfortunately, several setbacks have affected our timeline, but we want to reassure you that the Board and Staff are equally frustrated with the current status. Significant changes have been implemented to expedite the process, with the sole objective of opening the fund as quickly as possible.
Behind the scenes, we are actively working to improve the online application system and develop a comprehensive communication and operating plan to reach more Survivors. We have recently onboarded Outreach Workers to support Survivor outreach. More information about the regional Outreach Workers and the outreach process will follow shortly.
When the 2024 fund opens, Survivors who did not receive a grant in 2021 will have the opportunity to apply for Grant 1 ($650). Additionally, all eligible Survivors can apply for and new grant (Grant 2) to help support their out-of-pocket health and wellness expenses. The application process will cover both Grant 1 and Grant 2, with one cheque per applicant disbursed.
For detail information on the grants, including amounts, eligibility criteria, and frequently asked questions, please visit our website
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, I sincerely appreciate your continued patience as we develop a robust and efficient application process with the necessary support and respect that our Japanese Canadian Survivors deserve.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Miyazaki, Executive Director
Direct phone: 437-855-9750