News Updates

December 6, 2024 - Canada Post Strike Impact on Grant Distribution

The 2024 Canada Post strike has been ongoing since November 15, 2024, with no apparent settlement on the horizon, although we remain hopeful.

The JCSHWFS Board of Directors takes the health of our survivors very seriously and shares the growing concerns of our elders and families over how the strike is affecting the mail delivery of health and wellness grants to Japanese Canadian Survivors.

We have investigated private courier options as an alternate secure delivery mechanism. Outreach Workers have contacted those over 90 years of age, and 37% requested that their cheque be sent by courier, which was done.

Unfortunately, pickup of cheques is not possible and the courier service is only available to those survivors within Canada. We are also unable to send cheques by courier to P.O. boxes. For those survivors living in the USA, a volunteer will be travelling to a border town to mail cheques to those living in the USA and some foreign countries via the USA Postal Service.

The Board of Directors are committed to sending the cheques as quickly as possible to those survivors urgently needing their cheque.

Outreach Workers are currently phoning/emailing survivors over the age of 85 years old to enquire about using the courier to deliver cheques.

We know how important these grants are for the Survivors’ health and wellness. As the strike continues, we continue to work diligently to process applications. In the last month, we have processed over 850 applications and there are over 1,700 cheques ready to be mailed out.

If a Survivor is in urgent need of the grant money, please contact your Outreach Worker or our office so that we may work out a solution. We share the frustration of the JC community, and we are doing our best to accommodate requests during this difficult time.

We thank you for your ongoing patience.

With warm regards,



For enquiries, please contact our JCSHWF General Phone/Toll-free phone or email

JCSHWF General Phone: 250-797-6300

JCSHWF Toll-Free phone: 1-833-368-6462


The List of Outreach Workers is available on our website: JC Wellness Outreach Workers






残念ながら、小切手を取りに来ていただく事はできません。 宅配サービスはカナダ国

内の生存者の方々のみご利用可能となります。 またP.O.ボックスへの小切手の宅配はできませんのでご了承下さい。アメリカ合衆国、及び外国にお住まいの生存者の方々には、ボランティアが国境の町に出向き、アメリカ合衆国の郵便局を通じて、小切手を郵送させていただきます。



生存者の方々のご健康と福祉にとって、これらの助成金が大変重要であるという事を、深く理解しております。 ストライキが続く中、私達は引き続き申請書の決裁に全力で取り組んでおります。 先月は850件以上の申請書決裁を完了し、1,700件以上の小切手の発送準備が整いました。

助成金が緊急に必要な生存者の方は、担当のアウトリーチ・ワーカー、または事務所までご連絡下さい。 JCコミュニティの皆様のご指摘を真摯に受け止め、困難な状況ではありますが、皆様のご要望に誠意をもって迅速に対応し最善を尽くして参りますので、何卒ご理解を賜ります様お願い申し上げます。
